Career Services

Career services on every campus

All of IU's campuses - and many of their individual schools and programs - offer students a number of ways to build career skills from the moment that they arrive. To make sure our students graduate ready to work with you, we offer services from day one, including:

  • Career coaching
  • Career and job fairs
  • Networking panels and events
  • On-campus and virtual interviews
  • Experiential learning, internship, and job posting opportunities

Real-world experience built on NACE competencies

Real-world experience is an integral part - and often a requirement - of the curriculum of many of our more than 980 academic programs. Our programs actively cultivate an array of professional and technical skills, and every IU student is offered opportunities to complete practica or internships during their academic career.

Career Services offices work to ensure that students are developing the transferrable skills that employers value most, including the eight career competencies named by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE):

  • Career & Self-Development
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Equity & Inclusion
  • Leadership
  • Professionalism
  • Teamwork
  • Technology

Meeting your recruitment needs

It's easy to connect with IU candidates for your job or internship through Handshake. Need help understanding what strengths and skills students may have developed within our hundreds of academic programs? We can guide you toward the students and alumni who possess the skills, knowledge, and motivation that you need.